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Practicing Reflexology in Washington State

Effective July 1, 2013, there are two methods to practice reflexology legally in Washington State:
Certified Reflexologist (CR)
Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT).  An LMT may offer reflexology services, but cannot use the title Certified Reflexologist.
How to become a Certified Reflexologist
WA Department of Health for Reflexologists (link)
  1. Be at least 18 years old.
  2. Complete reflexology education from an approved school of at least 200 hours, which includes the skills as listed in WAC 246-831-040.
  3. Pass the written portion of the ARCB Exam.  Tests are conducted at locations across the county and are usually held in Seattle each November and in Portland, OR each May. Check the ARCB website for specifics.  It is not required to complete the full ARCB certificate process (i.e. you do not need to complete the hands-on portion, documented hours or pay annual membership with the ARCB).
  4. Pass the online Washington State Reflexology Jurisprudence Examination.
  5. Complete four hours of approved HIV/AIDS education and training.
  6. Apply online at the WA Dept of Health.
State issued Certificates must be on display in your place of business.
WA state issued RF# must be printed on all advertising, including business cards, websites and brochures.
Reflexologist Certificates must be renewed every year, due on your birthday.
There is no requirement for continuing education for Certified Reflexologists.

WA State Law Defines reflexology as:

"Reflexology" means a health care service that is limited to applying alternating pressure with thumb and finger techniques to reflexive areas of the lower one-third of the extremities, feet, hands, and outer ears based on reflex maps. Reflexology does not include the diagnosis of or treatment for specific diseases, or joint manipulations.

Full text of WA State Laws regarding Certified Reflexologists:
Revised Code of Washington: RCW 18.108
Washington Administrative Code: WAC 246-831-010
Effective 6/11/2020: Governor Inslee signed into law Substitute Senate Bill 5097, requiring licensed massage therapists and certified reflexologist to have government issued photo identification on themselves or available for inspection at all times they are practicing massage or reflexology.  Additionally, the name on the photo identification must match the name on the massage therapy license or reflexology certification. The bill creates a new sub-section and adds the requirement to RCW 18.108.045, Display of license or certification.

Coronavirus Update 6/1/20

The WA Department of Health has clarified that under Proclamation 20-24.1, a licensed massage therapist is providing a “health care service” and this service can be provided at any location statewide, including in counties still in Phase 1 under the Governor’s Safe Start Washington plan, as long as the requirements in the proclamation and in the laws governing massage therapy are met.  (link to Proclamation 20-24.1 here)

Key metrics by county dashboard - if hospital beds occupied reaches 80% in your county, then you should only see urgent medically necessary clients.  

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Washington Reflexology Association

PO Box 14091

Tumwater WA 98511

For more information, please leave a message at (425) 818-4785 or email 

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